Spousal Support & Alimony

Prior Lake Spousal Maintenance Attorneys

In many parts of the country, spousal maintenance/support/alimony is being awarded less frequently and for shorter periods. Minnesota family law does not automatically award spousal maintenance. To receive maintenance, you must meet numerous criteria.

Spousal maintenance can be one of the most bitterly debated parts of a divorce. At Julius Law Offices, our Prior Lake spousal maintenance attorneys represent parties seeking or contesting maintenance. We understand both sides of the issue and can argue for your rights. Our lawyers’ comprehensive knowledge of Minnesota family law allows us to assess cases and determine whether there are exceptions.

Will You Pay Or Receive Maintenance?

Courts do not automatically award spousal maintenance in Minnesota. To be eligible, you must have been married for at least 10 years. The court will also consider factors such as:

  • The couple’s lifestyle/standard of living during the marriage
  • The income and earning ability of each party
  • Whether one party financially supported the education/training of the other
  • Contributions of one party as a homemaker
  • The age and health of each party
  • The property settlement

Spousal maintenance can be granted to either party; there is no automatic preference for women over men. The court awards maintenance to provide for a person who cannot provide for him or herself, or to temporarily provide for a person until he or she is able to do so. In Minnesota, marital fault is not a consideration in the award of spousal maintenance.

If the parties agree that neither wants maintenance, they can sign a Karon waiver. This document takes spousal maintenance out of the court’s jurisdiction, making it impossible for the issue to be modified.


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